Auralphonic 026: My Little Pony Fandom

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Join Paraka, Kitsune Heart, Illya Leonov, and Voiceguy as they talk about My Little Pony fandom, how it grew separately from podfic fandom as Auralphonic normally talks about it, and how it is different from how Kitsune Heart has experienced other fandoms.

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3 Responses to Auralphonic 026: My Little Pony Fandom

  1. I adored this last podcast!
    It always seemed to me that podfics are separated on sex lines, and it is often hard to find men on this side of the podfic community. Looking forward to stories of other isolated communities. Have you tried Harry Potter?
    I think that the language used assumed that the AO3 podfic community was the main one, when we don’t know that for sure. Is there a Chinese community? I’d love to find more sources for great audioworks.

  2. paraka

    It always seemed to me that podfics are separated on sex lines, and it is often hard to find men on this side of the podfic community.
    Yeah, there are a few male podfic readers, but not too many. Though, western media slash fandom, where much of podfic fandom has it’s roots, is pretty heavily female, even outside of podfic.

    Have you tried Harry Potter?
    Yep, episode 16 was all about Harry Potter fandom, what wasn’t an isoloated podfic fandom, not like MLP fandom is.

    I think that the language used assumed that the AO3 podfic community was the main one, when we don’t know that for sure.
    Yeah, I tried to alleviate some of that in my wording around Kitsune Heart’s parts by saying she was comparing MLP fandom do *her* fandom experience, because she was definitely describing a narrow view of fandom and MLP is far from the only fandom that operates outside the “boundaries” Kitsune Heart was describing. I’ll make sure to clear that up a bit more in the next episode too.

  3. Anon

    I really enjoyed listening to this. I’d like to hear more dispatches from idiosyncratic fannish communities.

    A bit of feedback, though, if you do do more of this kind of thing. The interviewer should take more of a back seat. It often felt like you were talking over the guests and it made me feel a little uncomfortable. Ask a short question and then let them answer it, clarifying if needed, rather than trying to overexplain what you mean and interrupting people as they start to answer. I hope that this will come across as constructive because I did enjoy the episode.

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