Auralphonic 038: Person of Interest

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Hananobira is joined by DesireeArmfeldt, JinkyO, and Sky, who introduce us to the Person of Interest fandom!

To find links to all the sites and podfics discussed in this and past episodes check out our pinboard.

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Auralphonic 037: Lady Centric Podfic

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Join analise010, exmanhater, and paraka as they discuss lady centric podfic.

To find links to all the sites and podfics discussed in this and past episodes check out our pinboard.

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Auralphonic 036: How We Choose What to Podfic

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Join Hananobira, kitsuneheart, and Paraka as they discuss how they choose what to podfic.

To find links to all the sites and podfics discussed in this and past episodes check out our pinboard

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Auralphonic 035: Homestuck

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Join Hananobira and Kitsune Heart as they talk about Homestuck fandom and its podfic.

To find links to all the sites and podfics discussed in this and past episodes check out our Pinboard.

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Auralphonic 034: Pre- and Post-Production

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Join Fleur and Hananobira as they respond to talkbacks and talk about preparing to record and podfic betas.

To find links to all the sites and podfics discussed in this and past episodes check out our Pinboard.

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Auralphonic 033: Recording Setup

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Join Hananobira and paraka as they respond to talkbacks and discuss their recording setups.

To find links to all the sites and podfics discussed in this and past episodes check out our pinboard

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Auralphonic 032: Podfic Organisation

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Join Fleur Rochard, Jenepod, and Kitsune Heart as they talk about podfic organisation, both in creating your own and in keeping track of your collection from others.

We apologise for the late posting of this episode, due to unfortunate technical difficulties. We hope you still enjoy it, despite some lingering sound concerns.

To find links to all the sites and podfics discussed in this and past episodes check out our pinboard

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Auralphonic 031: Pod_Together

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Join Fleur, Hananobira, and paraka as they talk about pod_together, including insight from mods and what it’s like to participate as either a podficcer or writer.

To find links to all the sites and podfics discussed in this and past episodes check out our pinboard

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Auralphonic 030: Anime Fandom

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Join Hananobira, Kitsune Heart, and paraka as they discuss anime fandom; it’s similarities and differences to western media fandom and how they’ve developed differently over time.

To find links to all the sites and podfics discussed in this and past episodes check out our pinboard

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Auralphonic 029: Stargate: Atlantis Fandom

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Join anatsuno, Fleur, and Paraka as they discuss Stargate: Atlantis fandom; its great works and podficcers.

To find links to all the sites and podfics discussed in this and past episodes check out our pinboard


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